The ABC :// Int. is an association whose activities are not aimed at profit and exclusively pursue charitable purposes, now has the task of intensifying cultural life through publicly accessible events in the form of concerts, readings, exhibitions, performances, consultations, etc. and then:
a. to promote science and research by ensuring good scientific practice;
b. to examine and document the methods used to ensure good scientific practice;
c. set up a service and information center for people and institutions interested in ensuring good scientific practice;
d. to act as a contact point for people or institutions who see the rules of good scientific practice violated and those who are accused of having violated them;
e. to ensure independent investigative procedures through the Commission for Research Integrity (§ 16);
f. to establish contacts and cooperation with relevant institutions at home and abroad.
•The „Agency for Business and Culture`s“ main interest is connecting business and people by using culture as catalytic converter.
•Culture projects as ideal base for getting together, national and international networking and borderless communication.
•Our experienced team of artists, managers, promotors and specific business coordinators guarantee successful realization, business and enthusiastic audience.
•Our contacts to most international agencys, governmental organisations and many well known artists ensure optimised calculations, artist fees and budgets.
• Our team since years practices uncountable national and international own productions, performances, festivals, events and also assists as agency in developing new projects.
•Our practical business crosses over classical to modern music, theatre, events and buildings for mass audience.
•The Agency for Business and Culture is registered in Austria ZVR Nr. 843404190.